The ultimate aim for your business is to produce happy customers, but when stuff like targets, budgets and time constraints are thrown into the mix, you’re sometimes forced into making compromises that leave you falling short of your planned goal.

What’s more, if your product and proposition is out of tune with the culture and needs of your customer, you risk being outplayed by your competitors and damaging your brand image before you even really get started.

Our team of experts will help you to juggle the commercial realities you face, without compromising your digital conscience.  


In today’s consumer world, where mobile is king and the needs and expectations of customers change daily, all aspects of your business must adapt to survive and thrive.

Whether it’s someone looking for more information about your product, scoping out the best deal available or simply someone needing to chat with your customer care team, your business has to be accessible - in the right context, with the most effective solution.

With our help, we’ll ensure that your business is ready for whatever your mobile-savvy customers can throw at it, today and in the future.


You’ve had a killer idea, secured funding and are positively itching to launch a world-beating product. The clock’s ticking, but how do you ensure that your business is one of the lucky 10% that goes on to achieve long-term success? The challenge is pooling together the right mix of skills and resource. You’re confident in your big idea and vision, you just need time to perfect the tech. 

In the delicate early stages of a start-up’s life, employing specialists from the word “go” is an expensive luxury and, if you ask us, unnecessary. Instead, you’re better off with a team of seasoned all-rounders that encompass a balance of technical, commercial and operational expertise; people you can trust to build a solid foundation that will see your idea flourish.

Our team includes people with genuine start-up experience who’ll be on hand with advice to help your budding business make a real and immediate impact in its target market. From incubation through to launch and beyond, we’ll be there to help deliver the success you crave.


Mobile is rapidly changing the face of e-commerce, but – as many businesses have learnt the hard way - simply building a site optimised for mobile or releasing a branded app does not guarantee that the virtual tills will be ringing all day and night.

With a medium like mobile - one that offers unrivalled potential for building intimate customer relationships and opportunities to drive engagement – effective selling requires careful consideration and an approach unique to each individual business. Implementing a “me too” version of a competitor’s strategy won’t just damage your brand’s integrity, but could limit a whole load of untapped sales potential (pun intended!).

Our team is on hand to guide you through all of the options available to satisfy the needs of your mobile customers, from site and app design, to the best payment options to ensure that the customer experience - from browsing to buying - is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.


All kinds of businesses are now turning to interim experts to help them meet specific and unexpected commercial challenges in a focussed, fast and measured way. Finding the right people with the right experience to make a difference quickly can be a challenge.

Westpoint Innovation team members have global multi-sector experience gained from working with many of the world’s leading brands and pioneering start-ups. We are passionate about delivering straightforward, no-nonsense, digital experiences that make a measurable positive impact on your customer’s feedback as well as on your business’s bottom line.