If you have built a mobile app for your business, you have likely spent a lot of time and effort developing a compelling proposition, intuitive user interface and a well-defined marketing plan. While these are all essential elements of a successful app, there is one critical element which is often overlooked; the provision of in-app customer support.

While you may provide customer support through alternative channels, such as online or via a call centre, in-app support is becoming increasingly important with the continued growth in mobile device usage. The failure to offer in-app support could lead to negative user experiences and could even transition your app from a ‘must have’ to a ‘must delete’.

In today’s post I will be providing an overview of six customer support features to consider including when developing a mobile app.

1. Introductory videos, screens and overlays

While some users like to dive head-first into using a new app, others prefer guided hand-holding. An effective method of attracting and welcoming new users is to produce a short video highlighting the app features and benefits, which can be included on your website and the App Store product page. In the app itself you can provide introductory scrolling screens or instructional overlays with helpful tips, however; it is important to also provide the option to skip this initial section.

2. Click-to-call

Click-to-call is one of the easiest customer support features to implement, if you already have call centre operations. While this may seem obvious, the most important element is to ensure that the click-to-call phone number works for all users. For example, if your app can be used abroad, include the relevant international calling codes.

3. Searchable FAQs

Instead of providing FAQs grouped by topic or as a long list that can be difficult for users to navigate, consider implementing searchable FAQs. As an added feature, ensure it has offline functionality so that users can readily locate the answer to their question at any time. There are a number of service providers who offer this feature as a software development kit (SDK), making it relatively easy to implement.

4. Guided help

Guided help can provide users with an interactive tool to learn the ins and outs of your app. The first time a user interacts with a certain feature an option could be offered to guide them through the process, applying instructional overlays and potentially avoiding any future issues.

5. In-app messaging

In-app messaging provides a two-way communication channel between your company and your customer. It provides an easy means for users to seek help when required but without the need for an instant response. It also provides the opportunity to engage and communicate with users, for example, by welcoming new users, sending useful hints and tips, making important announcements and re-engaging inactive users. There are service providers who offer this functionality through an application programming interface (API).

6. In-app chat

While in-app messaging is a great feature, it falls short when users want to ask a quick question and receive an instant response. By offering in-app chat, users have the ability to make contact at the exact moment they experience an issue, enabling quick resolution without the need for the user to close the app. This can minimise negative experiences that could result in bad reviews or even users deleting your app.

Find out how Mobile Conscience can help you http://www.mobileconscience.co.uk/services/
